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A fab weekend at The European Cheerleading Championships 2014!

We had an absolutely fantastic time at the European Cheerleading Championships, what a great weekend! The talent and skill shown at each competition truly blew us away. We’d like to congratulate all of the competing squads and everybody who took part in the event. Not only the competitors themselves, but those who were there to join in the fun with us too! We always have such brilliant volunteers who work so hard at each event.


The categories were so impressive, Partner Stunt really stood out this year – wow! It’s incredible the level of skill you all have! Street Cheer was also brilliant with lots of creative costumes added into routines to maximise the stylistic dance routines. But, really we loved all the categories and you all worked that floor!


The hosts this year were wonderful and kept the whole arena buzzing with electricity! It was great to have resident DJ Caino and Jason along with their new team Lane and Vicky. Lane had such energy and Vicky’s singing really added a fun element to the day!

We had lots of fun making the, “My favourite thing about today…” video series featuring everyone from the Polish Cheerleaders, to the judges. Check them out on our Instagram account … Honestly, they will make you giggle!


With one more competition over, we can’t wait for the Winter Competition! So get training hard, work as a team, support each other and be ready to impress us even more in December! And remember, we are proud of you!

“You know you make me wanna cheer, cheer, cheer!”

A Thank You From Team Spirit

We love receiving messages of thanks from our teams. Check out this one we received from Team Spirit Coach Lindsey High:

“I put forward four young leaders to attend the UKCA Cheerleading Leadership course held on Saturday 8th February 2014.

Team Spirit
Sienna Naden, Olivia Walllace, Elisa Lee, and Anna Ward were selected over many other young people to step onto the coaching ladder.

The timing of the course, coupled with bursary funding from Greater Sport could not have come at a better point in the year, as we are deep in preparation for up and coming competitions. The girls gained so much from the course and really got stuck in every way possible, now demonstrating great leadership qualities.

Coaching Course
They have worked in pairs to deliver sections of the class not only rotating who they coach with but, also which element of the class they teach. This was an idea we discussed so we can all get the same standard and expectation as a leadership team. Additionally, we feedback to individuals to positively enhance each others coaching styles and understanding.

They have been on hand throughout classes to assist with and deliver:
– Warm ups
– Stretch
– Final Choreography for routines
– Correction of technique
– Registration
– Distribute and log uniform

They look forward to each class bringing in their Leadership booklets, logging the volunteer hours and continually developing their coaching skills with a renewed excitement.

Coach Course Members
Thank you for your support so far in Team Spirits’ Coach Development Pathway.”

Here at the UKCA we pride ourselves on providing the best courses and Cheerleading tuition and receiving messages like this lets us know that we are doing our jobs correctly.

We’re always thrilled to hear stories about a team’s achievements and progression! If your team has a story to tell then please get in touch through our Facebook or Twitter pages.

Cheerleading Hits The Headlines: Part Two

It’s been a truly positive day for the world of Cheerleading and the press coverage continues. Macclesfield’s Maximum Cheer featured on Sky News today around 5.20pm, talking about how excellent of a sport Cheerleading is whilst showing off some of their skills.

If you missed the report on Sky News, we managed to get hold of these screenshots of the team along with coach Rachael Burrows:







We will keep you up-to-date with all the coverage as it comes through. It’s days like these that leave us with a massive smile on our face here at the UKCA. We are proud of you, say we are proud of you!

What do you think about the news? What’s your opinion? Get in touch and let us know – we’d love to hear from.

Cheerleading Hits The Headlines

Cheerleading is in the press today in a big way. Tory MP Helen Grant has suggested that more women should take up sport. She say’s that Cheerleading is a fantastic way to encourage women to get involved in more activity.

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Here at UKCA, we wholeheartedly agree! Not just women either, people of all ages are involved with Cheerleading up and down the country.

We feel that this is a very positive announcement and that the government are finally beginning to acknowledge what we have known all along – Cheerleading is a sport! And a fantastic one at that. We have over 7000 people attending with over 4000 competing in our Cheerleading comp happening in just 3 weeks time!

Cheerleading at Manchester Velodrome

The announcement has also led to some debate, with certain people saying that encouraging women to take up a ‘feminine’ sport is sexist. Here at the UKCA, we think that anything that encourages the people of the UK to take up this awesome sport can only be a good thing.

Anyone who has tried Cheerleading or actively partakes in the sport will know that it is not for the faint hearted! The hours and hours of rehearsals, the highs and the heartbreaks – we know just how dedicated you have to be!

Read some of the articles here & here.

We are very pleased to see Cheerleading getting recognition in the press, this is a big step forward. What do you think about the news? What’s your opinion? Get in touch and let us know – we’d love to hear from.