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1 Month On: The UKCA & This Girl Can

Last month we were ecstatic to announce The UKCA’s involvement with the ‘This Girl Can’ campaign from Sport England. Well, after announcing our partnership with you all and promoting #ThisGirlCan across our social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, we can now show you some of our fantastic This Girl Can images! We are so excited about this initiative & we are loving the responses from so many UKCA members across the UK and Northern Ireland.


This image was shared with us from The Olympus Girls Cheerleading squad as they are hard at training read for the Northern Ireland National Championships on the 28th Feb. Thank you to Kim Gillespie for sharing! We have brought together some of our favourite images that we’ve recently received from members of The UKCA. What do you think of our This Girl Can images? Keep a look out across our Facebook and Twitter for more This Girl Can from The UKCA. So continue to send us images of your teams and you could have your very own This Girl Can poster!


Here are some of our Cheerleaders showing their cheer spirit at a recent course of ours. So if you attending any of our upcoming course be sure to tweet us your photos @UKCheerleading. We can’t wait to hear from you!


We are proud of you! #ThisGirlCan