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Exeter Cheer Festival is Next Weekend!

Exeter Cheer Festival is coming your way!

We discussed in August that the competition would roll around soon and sure enough it really has! Next weekend a fantastic Cheerleading competition will take place! We discussed many important features of the Festival in our previous post from August 2014, such as:

“The youngest Cheerer involved in the Exeter Cheer Festival will be 7 years old. Whilst the Masters teams must have 75% of their squad at the age of 25. Here at The UKCA we enjoy the atmosphere at our events when we have such a wide range of cheerers. Whether you are 8 or 18 you are welcome to come along and cheer as we love to see so much spirit!”

However, we hope that you are all incredibly excited for your time there next weekend! We can’t wait! Here at The UK Cheerleading Association we love being involved with other relating events and organisations such as this one. It is so great and inspiring for us all to work together to help to promote each others events and get as many people involved as we all can. Afterall, Cheerleading is “The Sport of Smiles!” Make sure you head down if you love Cheerleading, want to have a brilliant weekend and meet more cheerleaders and those who are passionate about the sport! It is a great way for coaches to meet as well, so we recommend you take your squads down together for some fantastic Cheer networking!

So if you are heading down to The Exeter Cheerleading Festival next weekend then we hope you all have a fantastic time! And good luck to those performing!

Buckingham and Mandeville Cheerleading Festival 2010

July 2010 saw the inaugural Mandeville and Buckingham SSP cheerleading festival, with six schools represented and over 60 cheerleaders aged from 12 to 16 bringing together their unique energy and enthusiasm to the Stoke Mandeville Stadium in Aylesbury.

The Buckingham and Mandeville School Sport Partnerships work across all the Primary and Secondary schools in Aylesbury Vale, aiming to harness the talents of local authority, charitable and private sector coaches to increase participation and improve performance in school sport. The SSP’s introduced cheerleading training for teachers and coaches last year with support from the United Kingdom Cheerleading Association (UKCA) and have had success in running sessions within schools throughout the county.

Cheerleading Festival

July’s cheerleading festival was the first opportunity for the school teams within the Mandeville and Buckingham partnerships to showcase the skills they have learnt in a fun and inviting environment.

The day was fantastic and included a mass warm-up to start the event and a Street Cheer workshop to finish; sandwiching the cheerleading itself. Everyone danced and cheered the best they could and everyone did themselves proud. The standard of routines hitting the floor was amazing with every school producing superb cheer routines.

Ema Nulty the Buckingham School Sport Partnership Development Manager enthused
“Everyone really enjoyed the festival although to be honest it was a bit too noisy for me!”

It was always going to noisy with everyone trying their hardest to get hold of the Sprit Award for their team. This year the lucky winners were the Sir Henry Floyd School who showed the true meaning of cheerleading. A Big well done to them!

Cheerleading Festival

Cheerleaders from The Buckingham and Royal Latin Schools said
“It was great fun and we really enjoyed it, we want to do it again. We met loads of new people from other schools.”

The coming year:
July was only the beginning of what is hoped to be a fun packed year ahead within the Buckingham and Mandeville School Sport Partnerships, with plans for next year’s secondary schools cheerleading competition already in full swing for May ……2011. We are hoping that next year’s event will be opened up to all Secondary schools within Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes leading to a bigger, better and louder competition than this year.

The partnership will be supporting participation from schools and individuals in the coming months by hosting both Leadership and Basic skills courses that will be run by the UKCA. These courses are planned to enable our older students and teachers to get involved with the coaching at our primary schools as well as a community club that is due to start in September. The sport that is Cheerleading is definitely set to grow throughout Bucks.