In addition to your UKCA coaching qualification/s you already hold this enhancement module will help provide you with the skills and confidence to work with athletes who may have additional needs.
1. Disability in Context

Through this workshop we will look at disability and how to be informed, aware, accommodating and realistic about your offer as a coach and the club you represent.
2. Recognising different categories of disability

Before we are to consider the vast and varied types of disability, we will look as coaches to bring the 4 categories discussed in the previous lesson into 3 main categories. This is a coaching tool and doesn’t disregard the importance of each disability being held in its own right, but as coaches this helps us develop […]
3. Welcoming All

First of all, let’s think about the information and advertising you as a coach/club put out there to promote your activities. What channels do you currently use to promote your activities? How and where you promote your activity dictates who will be on the receiving end. If you take leaflets to the local sports centre, predominantly […]
4. Examining Participation Barriers

As coaches we must try to understand the barriers that disabled people may face accessing sport and physical activity. If we understand each barrier, we can take measures to remove some of these barriers and support participation. In addition to these barriers, lack of experiences in sport or bad experiences in sport can sometimes be difficult to overcome. Not […]
5. Coaching Techniques

How inclusive are you as a coach or club? Assessing your current provision is a great way to start and whether you’re part of a larger club or a freelance coach, looking at what you currently deliver and how accessible your provision is will give you a starting point from which to grow and implement […]
6. Coach, Club & Parental Responsibilities

As with all coaching, there is a huge responsibility for the safety and welfare of the athletes we coach. Regardless of who you are coaching, you must ensure that you are following protocol set out by your club, your insurance, your association and ultimately, government guidelines. Your level of management may need to be adjusted when working with […]
7. Adapting Cheer Practice

Different disabilities and challenges will require a different coaching response. All athletes want to be included within your session as a whole, whilst the limitations or challenges of their personal disability will be very unique. This may seem tricky but think about adapting your delivery objectives or session plan/intensity to accommodate the full the range of […]
8. Your Club & The Disability/SEN Offer

Coaching Techniques: Using simple instructions, breaking coaching points into single tasks and ensuring frequent repetition are vital. Use floor markers to support athlete positions in a routine if required. It is important that athletes with a learning disability are given age-appropriate instructions – don’t be tempted to ‘talk down’ or coach an adult as a child. It can […]
Course Complete

Final stage of the module