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Manage Club


UKCA Team Management Tool

Team Management

Drag and drop cheerleaders into the desired teams to manage the members of your squads. (Cheerleaders can be members of more than one squad). To delete a cheerleader from your club, drag and drop them to the Delete Cheerleaders box. To confirm their deletion, click the red button below. Remember to save any changes to your teams before adding more cheerleaders to your club.


Ellaoise Cross Freya Whittaker Isabella Norburn Isla Jarvis Kaitlyn Owen Sophie Barnett Maddison Doherty Libby Lacava Isabelle Thompson Abigail Whittaker Heidi Chesworth Tyler Doherty Sasha Lacava Isabelle Jones Katie Woodhouse Harriett Beirne Amy Constanutinou Izzy Hendrick Isla Yates Lucy Bradbury Lola-May Noble Ava Brett Libby Chaney Heidi King Phoebe Siddall Ava Healey Isla Suter Georgia Duncan Amelia Wood Bella Bennett Alyssa Chatt Isla Mae Kinsella Scarlett Crowther-Roberts Rebecca Short Paige Goodall Charlotte Dayson Maisie Cross Amy Donlon Karina Chen Grace Williams Lucy Shirt Libby Roebuck Ruby Rafferty Isla Tibenham Grace Braddock Abbie Clayton Morgan Holme Jessica Fay Lilly Rafferty Kya Niknejad Rosie Conroy Jessica Bradley Amelia Carr Elliette Wilson

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Mel Hibbert Katie Armstrong

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MCA - Squads

MCA Green

Ellaoise Crossx Lucy Shirtx Freya Whittakerx Grace Williamsx Isla Jarvisx

MCA Silver

Libby Lacavax Maddison Dohertyx Kaitlyn Owenx Heidi Chesworthx Isabelle Thompsonx

MCA Emerald

Libby Lacavax Libby Roebuckx Karina Chenx Amy Donlonx Maddison Dohertyx

MCA White

Isabelle Jonesx Jessica Bradleyx Sasha Lacavax Amelia Carrx

MCA Black

Rosie Conroyx Elliette Wilsonx Jessica Bradleyx Sophie Barnettx

MCA Opal

Lilly Raffertyx Kya Niknejadx Jessica Fayx Abbie Claytonx Grace Braddockx Morgan Holmex

MCA Topaz

Isla Tibenhamx Ruby Raffertyx Isla Yatesx Ava Brettx Morgan Holmex

MCA Amethyst

Maddison Dohertyx Libby Lacavax Amy Donlonx Isabelle Thompsonx Ellaoise Crossx Isla Jarvisx Heidi Chesworthx Kaitlyn Owenx Freya Whittakerx Karina Chenx Grace Williamsx Lucy Shirtx Libby Roebuckx

MCA Ruby

Libby Chaneyx Heidi Kingx Phoebe Siddallx Ava Healeyx Isla Suterx Georgia Duncanx Amelia Woodx Bella Bennettx Alyssa Chattx Isla Mae Kinsellax Scarlett Crowther-Robertsx Lola-May Noblex

MCA Diamond

Tyler Dohertyx Katie Woodhousex Izzy Hendrickx Lucy Bradburyx Rebecca Shortx Ava Brettx Isla Yatesx Paige Goodallx Isabella Norburnx Charlotte Daysonx Maisie Crossx

MCA Sapphire

Sophie Barnettx Rosie Conroyx Isabelle Jonesx Sasha Lacavax Jessica Bradleyx Amelia Carrx Elliette Wilsonx

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