UKCA Team Management Tool
Team Management
Drag and drop cheerleaders into the desired teams to manage the members of your squads. (Cheerleaders can be members of more than one squad). To delete a cheerleader from your club, drag and drop them to the Delete Cheerleaders box. To confirm their deletion, click the red button below. Remember to save any changes to your teams before adding more cheerleaders to your club.
Abblie Wilkes
Alesha Bently
Amelia Hird
Amelia Whitworth
Ashleigh Walker
Ava Wallace
Becky Richmond
Bethany Allen
Brydie O'Hanrahan
Chloe Warmsley
Chloe Allen
Clover Humphreys
Codie Nixon
Eden Redfern
Elise Morgan
Ella Hudd
Ella Buxton
Ella Slade
Ellie-Jay Grieve
Ellie Thompson
Ellie Stevens
Ellie Roberts
Ellise Sissons
Emily Wright
Emily Kostanjsek
Emily Gaunt
Erin Richardson
Erin Fellows
Erin Brady
Eva Bernard
Freya Smith
Freya Hickman
Georgia-Mae Forster
Georgina Borrill
Gina Williams
Grace Cooke
Hannah Williams
Hannah Edgar
Harriet Hill
Hollie Sheppard
Imogen Shore
Isabelle Kastonjsek
Isabelle Hill
Isabelle Pashley
Isabelle Hair
Jade McDonald
Jade Sheppard
Jess Bown-Beesley
Jessie Crookes-Harvey
Jessie Nicholson
Kaira Wheelhouse
Kasey Waller
Katie Wood
Katy Whitworth
Katy Hunt
Kelsie Golightly
Lauren Jessop
Layna Holden
Libby Senior
Liberty Carpendale
Liberty Holden
Lilly-Mae Walker
Lilly Moss
Lily Bartholomew
Lily Hasman
Lucy Roberts
Lucy Baugh
Lucy Hobman
Lucy Hunt
Maddie Hair
Maisy Pickering
Megan Hunt
Megan Albiston
Megan Beharall
Megan Warmsley
Melanie Cornelius
Mia Fox
Millie Huntington
Millie Mason
Mischa Todorovic
Molly Mae Dufty
Molly Stocks
Molly Chester
Molly Stafford
Nicole Cant
Nyah Barlow
Olivia Sissons
Olivia Beighton
Olivia Morgan
Phoebe Shore
Poppy Davis
Rachel Marshall
Reanna Smith
Rebecca Paramore
Rebecca Lamb
Roxy Bower
Ruby Alsop
Ruby McCann
Ruthie Wilson
Sarah Kurt
Scarlett Woodward
Shannon Allonby-Wright
Sorbey Carpendale
Tia Cliff
Alexis Driver
Trailblazer Allstars - Squads
Trailblazer Allstars Teenies
Gina Williamsx
Emily Gauntx
Brydie O'Hanrahanx
Megan Warmsleyx
Lily Hasmanx
Ava Wallacex
Amelia Whitworthx
Olivia Morganx
Isabelle Hairx
Lilly-Mae Walkerx
Ruby McCannx
Olivia Beightonx
Lily Bartholomewx
Emily Kostanjsekx
Freya Hickmanx
Grace Cookex
Liberty Holdenx
Trailblazer Allstars Senior L6
Gina Williamsx
Freya Smithx
Jessie Nicholsonx
Georgia-Mae Forsterx
Rebecca Lambx
Nicole Cantx
Ellie Robertsx
Megan Beharallx
Mia Foxx
Olivia Sissonsx
Imogen Shorex
Harriet Hillx
Mischa Todorovicx
Molly Staffordx
Bethany Allenx
Chloe Allenx
Jade Sheppardx
Hollie Sheppardx
Ella Sladex
Phoebe Shorex
Trailblazer Allstars Senior L2
Gina Williamsx
Liberty Carpendalex
Nyah Barlowx
Rebecca Lambx
Georgia-Mae Forsterx
Jessie Nicholsonx
Reanna Smithx
Lucy Huntx
Katy Huntx
Sarah Kurtx
Hannah Edgarx
Ruthie Wilsonx
Millie Masonx
Roxy Bowerx
Ellie Robertsx
Poppy Davisx
Jade McDonaldx
Phoebe Shorex
Ella Sladex
Nicole Cantx
Trailblazer Allstars Senior Stunt Group
Gina Williamsx
Rebecca Lambx
Freya Smithx
Jessie Nicholsonx
Georgia-Mae Forsterx
Nicole Cantx
Trailblazer Allstars Youth Team
Gina Williamsx
Alexis Driverx
Sorbey Carpendalex
Ellie Thompsonx
Emily Wrightx
Molly Mae Duftyx
Jess Bown-Beesleyx
Ella Huddx
Scarlett Woodwardx
Ellise Sissonsx
Lucy Robertsx
Ella Buxtonx
Ruby Alsopx
Megan Huntx
Ashleigh Walkerx
Erin Richardsonx
Rachel Marshallx
Lilly Mossx
Elise Morganx
Maddie Hairx
Lucy Baughx
Melanie Corneliusx
Isabelle Kastonjsekx
Tia Cliffx
Kelsie Golightlyx
Maisy Pickeringx
Layna Holdenx
Erin Fellowsx
Codie Nixonx
Chloe Warmsleyx
Ellie Stevensx
Rebecca Paramorex
Kasey Wallerx
Trailblazer Allstars Youth Stunt Group
Gina Williamsx
Alexis Driverx
Sorbey Carpendalex
Ellie Thompsonx
Molly Mae Duftyx
Emily Wrightx
Trailblazer ALlstars Juniors
Gina Williamsx
Ellise Sissonsx
Lucy Robertsx
Amelia Hirdx
Molly Stocksx
Clover Humphreysx
Alesha Bentlyx
Millie Huntingtonx
Eden Redfernx
Molly Chesterx
Hannah Williamsx
Lauren Jessopx
Ella Sladex
Libby Seniorx
Isabelle Hillx
Erin Bradyx
Shannon Allonby-Wrightx
Liberty Carpendalex
Georgina Borrillx
Isabelle Pashleyx
Nyah Barlowx
Abblie Wilkesx
Eva Bernardx
Katy Whitworthx
Becky Richmondx
Kaira Wheelhousex
Megan Albistonx
Katie Woodx
Jessie Crookes-Harveyx
Lucy Hobmanx
Delete Cheerleader(s)
Delete Coach(es)
To confirm all of your changes, select "Save All Changes".