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UKCA Team Management Tool

Team Management

Drag and drop cheerleaders into the desired teams to manage the members of your squads. (Cheerleaders can be members of more than one squad). To delete a cheerleader from your club, drag and drop them to the Delete Cheerleaders box. To confirm their deletion, click the red button below. Remember to save any changes to your teams before adding more cheerleaders to your club.


Tracey Townsend Donna Nuttall Stephanie Mitchell Faye Lumsden Natasha kerr Xena Munby Imogen Kerr Julie Jenkins Megan Hunt Harriette Hooley alexandra Speake Sophie Boyle Lydia Johnson Paula Woolstencroft Ashlea Elliott Ria Hargreaves Rhiann Coates Abigail Graham Harley Gill Molly Townsend Emma Smith Laura Hartland Daisy Smith Hannah Rawsthorne Scarlet Ainscough leah Flatman Emily Symes Rheo Morton Madi Irvine Isla Parker Lovee Clarke lexi Hoggatt Mia Blythe Joshua Howarth katie Cheung Lucia Donnelly JoJo Bond Freya Davis Emily Fletcher Heidi Potts Isla Guest Lilly Anderson Millie Sanderson Millie Martin Amelie Ormerod Alisha Taylor Maya Ekessa Grace Wright Ava Tattersall Evie Minihan Alyssa Thornton Lottie Rhodes Katie Windle Heidi Pollard Lacey Hawthornthwaite Neve Grady Ava Millar Grace Dale Rosie Hereford Isabella Williams Lilly-Blossom Coulson Mia Anders Evie McDougall Kadie Pickard mollie kelly Daisy Lister Pippa Mussen Evie Ormerod Emma Hackett Harriet Wells Julia Celko Lilli Belshaw Caitlin Wolfendon Summer Wall Mia Hackett Nico Woolstencroft Simone Gibbons polly Grant Brookelyne Brennan Tia McLellan Amber Lopez Evie Milliken Ruby French Charlotte Bovingdon Ruby Cain Niamh Snell Evie-Jean Swindlehurst Mia Townsend Evie Taylor Ella Gill Bella Howard Ava Bell Aurora Bleasdale Alannah North Ruby Heaton Alicia Nugent Paige Ashworth Sophia Williams Aurora Topping Lucie Doughty lilly-Rose Blezard Isla Heaton Georgia Adams Poppy McDougall Olivia Davison Violet Wall Henry Guest Lucia-cait Patterson Lydia Gill Ellessie Grant Isabelle Hughes Ellisia Marsden Faye Wright sophie Jones Brooklyn Thompson Isla Sheehan Sophia Sumner Eva Ncnally Brooke-Leigh Smits Emilia Slater

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Donna Nuttall Sophie Boyle Stephanie Mitchell Emma Smith Harley Gill Tracey Townsend Molly Townsend

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Clarets Cheer and Dance - Squads

Group Stunt JA1

mollie kellyx lilly-Rose Blezardx Isla Heatonx Isla Sheehanx Henry Guestx

Group Stunt JB4

Alyssa Thorntonx Evie-Jean Swindlehurstx Ruby Cainx Niamh Snellx Charlotte Bovingdonx

Group Stunt T1

Ava Bellx Violet Wallx Ella Gillx Isabelle Hughesx Brooklyn Thompsonx

Group Stunt JB1

Millie Sandersonx Lilly Andersonx Heidi Pottsx Maya Ekessax Summer Wallx

Group Stunt S5

Rheo Mortonx Harriette Hooleyx Emma Smithx Lydia Johnsonx Mia Blythex

Group Stunt S4

Harley Gillx Molly Townsendx Hannah Rawsthornex Abigail Grahamx Lydia Johnsonx

Group Stunt JB2

Emily Fletcherx Emma Hackettx Evie Ormerodx Nico Woolstencroftx Harriet Wellsx

Group Stunt Coed

Harriette Hooleyx Scarlet Ainscoughx lexi Hoggattx Rheo Mortonx Joshua Howarthx


Alannah Northx Ruby Heatonx Alicia Nugentx Paige Ashworthx Sophia Williamsx Aurora Toppingx Lucie Doughtyx

Candy Crush

Mia Townsendx Evie Taylorx Ella Gillx Bella Howardx Ava Bellx Aurora Bleasdalex


Isla Guestx Heidi Pottsx Lilly Andersonx Alyssa Thorntonx Lottie Rhodesx Katie Windlex Heidi Pollardx Lacey Hawthornthwaitex Neve Gradyx Simone Gibbonsx


Grace Dalex Isabella Williamsx Evie McDougallx mollie kellyx polly Grantx Brookelyne Brennanx Tia McLellanx Amber Lopezx Evie Millikenx


Lydia Gillx Alannah Northx Ella Gillx Evie Taylorx Poppy McDougallx Ellessie Grantx Isabelle Hughesx Ellisia Marsdenx Faye Wrightx Eva Ncnallyx Brooke-Leigh Smitsx Emilia Slaterx


Pippa Mussenx Evie Ormerodx Alyssa Thorntonx Emma Hackettx Madi Irvinex Harriet Wellsx Nico Woolstencroftx Julia Celkox Lilli Belshawx Caitlin Wolfendonx Summer Wallx Mia Hackettx Ruby Frenchx Charlotte Bovingdonx



lilly-Rose Blezardx Isla Heatonx Georgia Adamsx Poppy McDougallx Olivia Davisonx Violet Wallx Henry Guestx Lucia-cait Pattersonx


Ava Tattersallx Ava Millarx JoJo Bondx Emily Fletcherx Grace Dalex Rosie Herefordx Isabella Williamsx Lilly-Blossom Coulsonx Mia Andersx Evie McDougallx Freya Davisx Kadie Pickardx Alisha Taylorx mollie kellyx


Alyssa Thorntonx Lottie Rhodesx Katie Windlex Heidi Pollardx Lacey Hawthornthwaitex Neve Gradyx Lilly Andersonx Heidi Pottsx Nico Woolstencroftx Isla Guestx


Harley Gillx Molly Townsendx Abigail Grahamx Emma Smithx leah Flatmanx katie Cheungx Lucia Donnellyx Ruby Cainx Ruby Frenchx


Henry Guestx mollie kellyx Daisy Listerx sophie Jonesx Isla Heatonx lilly-Rose Blezardx Olivia Davisonx Ava Bellx Violet Wallx Brooklyn Thompsonx Isla Sheehanx Evie McDougallx polly Grantx Brookelyne Brennanx Sophia Sumnerx


JoJo Bondx Freya Davisx Emily Fletcherx Heidi Pottsx Isla Guestx Lilly Andersonx Millie Sandersonx Millie Martinx Amelie Ormerodx Alisha Taylorx Maya Ekessax Ava Tattersallx Evie Minihanx Katie Windlex Grace Wrightx


Harriette Hooleyx Lydia Johnsonx Abigail Grahamx Harley Gillx Molly Townsendx Emma Smithx Laura Hartlandx Scarlet Ainscoughx leah Flatmanx Emily Symesx Rheo Mortonx Madi Irvinex Isla Parkerx Lovee Clarkex lexi Hoggattx Ruby Cainx


Natasha kerrx Xena Munbyx Imogen Kerrx Megan Huntx Ashlea Elliottx Ria Hargreavesx Rhiann Coatesx Abigail Grahamx Harley Gillx Molly Townsendx Emma Smithx Laura Hartlandx Daisy Smithx Hannah Rawsthornex


Donna Nuttallx Tracey Townsendx Stephanie Mitchellx Faye Lumsdenx Natasha kerrx Xena Munbyx Imogen Kerrx Julie Jenkinsx Megan Huntx Harriette Hooleyx alexandra Speakex Sophie Boylex Lydia Johnsonx Paula Woolstencroftx

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