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Manage Club


UKCA Team Management Tool

Team Management

Drag and drop cheerleaders into the desired teams to manage the members of your squads. (Cheerleaders can be members of more than one squad). To delete a cheerleader from your club, drag and drop them to the Delete Cheerleaders box. To confirm their deletion, click the red button below. Remember to save any changes to your teams before adding more cheerleaders to your club.


Katie Edwards Jo Jo Edwards Lily Hampson Ella Witter Honya Kader Abbie Price Lilly-Sue Markham Lucy Bunce Ashleigh Drew Tilly Vowels Tamsin Gwilt Lola Hewitt Natalia Marchel Nancy Welsh Millie Russell Ashleigh Steele Lucie Cooper Ella Richards Isla Flavell Summer Deeming Summer Deeming Chanelle Alexander Kate Hampson Aaliya Rai Chloe Osell Hannah Witter Lillie Higham Lillie Higham Grace Cox Ellie Pye Taylor Humphreys Madison Grainger Madison Grainger Kya Wikes Katie Palmer Mia Jacques Lola Markham Fearne Markham Millie Cox Mija Grabaziene Macie Giles Macie Giles Erianna Seeney Keya Gibbs Tayah Haywood Aurora Joel Rosie Collins Lillie Hynd Millicent Webb Gemma Lord Lola Hodgkins Penny Wilkes Scarlett Baker Seren Sandland Faye Wilkes

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Kallianne Titley

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Kickstarts - Squads

Kickstarts Diamonds

Jo Jo Edwardsx Grace Coxx Madison Graingerx Kya Wikesx Lillie Highamx

Kickstarts Firecrackers

Katie Edwardsx Lily Hampsonx Chanelle Alexanderx Kate Hampsonx Katie Palmerx

Kickstarts Glitterbombs

Hannah Witterx Chloe Osellx Grace Coxx Summer Deemingx Jo Jo Edwardsx

Kickstarts Sparklers

Nancy Welshx Isla Flavellx Macie Gilesx Penny Wilkesx Lillie Hyndx Millie Coxx Mija Grabazienex Erianna Seeneyx Keya Gibbsx Tayah Haywoodx Aurora Joelx Rosie Collinsx Millicent Webbx Gemma Lordx Lola Hodgkinsx Scarlett Bakerx Seren Sandlandx Faye Wilkesx

Kickstarts Gems

Ella Witterx Honya Kaderx Abbie Pricex Lilly-Sue Markhamx Lucy Buncex Ashleigh Drewx Tilly Vowelsx Tamsin Gwiltx Lola Hewittx Natalia Marchelx Nancy Welshx Millie Russellx Ashleigh Steelex Lucie Cooperx Ella Richardsx Isla Flavellx Mia Jacquesx Lola Markhamx Fearne Markhamx Faye Wilkesx

Kickstarts Sapphire

Katie Edwardsx Jo Jo Edwardsx Lily Hampsonx Katie Palmerx Kya Wikesx Madison Graingerx Taylor Humphreysx Lillie Highamx Grace Coxx Ellie Pyex Hannah Witterx Aaliya Raix Chloe Osellx Chanelle Alexanderx Kate Hampsonx Summer Deemingx

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