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Manage Club


UKCA Team Management Tool

Team Management

Drag and drop cheerleaders into the desired teams to manage the members of your squads. (Cheerleaders can be members of more than one squad). To delete a cheerleader from your club, drag and drop them to the Delete Cheerleaders box. To confirm their deletion, click the red button below. Remember to save any changes to your teams before adding more cheerleaders to your club.


Eve Augustyn Laura Gander Hope Ginn Aimee Butler Athur Chugtai Robert Croager Aileen Wilson Ella Hastings Heather Ewart Georgina Hardy Charlotte French Ruby Smith Daisie Pulley Liberty Laurence Reece Parkin Jessica Pullen Freya Harrison Caitlyn Huntley Niamh Spelman Arden Williams Holly Sidgwick Holly Rose Molly Zazzera Amelia Lenehan Leah Gorey Isobel Thomas Freya Lee Zoe Lawrence Savannah Greenhalgh Millie Smith-Hashim Ella Moncaster Hannah Wyngard Courtney Wass Emily Vine Lea De Galzain Luciana De Castro Anouk Raguin Arista Abbabatulla Eunice Ng Leah Donnelly Ella Trotman Eloise North

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Add A New Cheerleader


UKCA Admin Charlotte French Charlotte French Heather Ewart Heather Ewart Arden Williams

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The University of Manchester - Squads

UMC Venom

Eloise Northx Ella Trotmanx Amelia Lenehanx Leah Goreyx Savannah Greenhalghx

UMC Nectar

Hannah Wyngardx Courtney Wassx Emily Vinex Lea De Galzainx Luciana De Castrox

UMC Buzz

UMC Hive

Anouk Raguinx Arista Abbabatullax Eunice Ngx Leah Donnellyx Arden Williamsx

UMC Killer Bees

Ella Moncasterx Robert Croagerx Ella Hastingsx Heather Ewartx Charlotte Frenchx

UMC Swarm

UMC Honeybees

UMC Sting

Aimee Butlerx Athur Chugtaix Robert Croagerx Ella Hastingsx Aileen Wilsonx Heather Ewartx Georgina Hardyx Charlotte Frenchx Ruby Smithx Liberty Laurencex Daisie Pulleyx Reece Parkinx Jessica Pullenx Freya Harrisonx Caitlyn Huntleyx

UMC Queen Bees

Millie Smith-Hashimx Savannah Greenhalghx Zoe Lawrencex Freya Leex Leah Goreyx Isobel Thomasx Molly Zazzerax Amelia Lenehanx Holly Rosex Holly Sidgwickx Niamh Spelmanx Arden Williamsx Eve Augustynx Laura Ganderx Hope Ginnx

Queen Bees

UMC Opal

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