UKCA Team Management Tool
Team Management
Drag and drop cheerleaders into the desired teams to manage the members of your squads. (Cheerleaders can be members of more than one squad). To delete a cheerleader from your club, drag and drop them to the Delete Cheerleaders box. To confirm their deletion, click the red button below. Remember to save any changes to your teams before adding more cheerleaders to your club.
Alexis Ruddick
Alyssia Benson
Amber Dickinson
Amelia Stewart
Amelia Dent
Amelie Murray
Amy Snelson
Annabelle Morland
Annie Little
Annie Little
Ashley Clark
Ava Hudson
Bobbi Cope
Brook Chambers
Chloe Stephenson
Ciara McCall
Connie Lightfoot
Eliza Forsyth
Elsie Attwood
Emelia Griffiths
Emilia Lambert
Emma Harrower
Emmeline Oliver
Emmy Glennon
Faye Edmonson
Faye Edmonson
Fearne Osby
Grace Baxter
Hannah Blake
Holly Souter
Ivy Stevens
Izzy-Anna Tallentire
Jesse Brown
Jessi Cope
Josie Kaye
Kacey Makey
Katie Greenwood
Keeley Howard-Carter
Libby Blake
Lo Smith
Maddison Crompton
Maisie Grainger
Martha Tallentire
Millie Castle
Olivia Stockdale
Poppy Castle
Poppy Balmer
Ruby Brockbank
Scarlett Salkeld
Scarlett Hunt
Scarlett Hunt
Sienna Crompton
Sophia Monico
Sophia Stockdale
Sophie Hope
Summer Sowerby
Willow Whiteley
Wren Binks
Sofia Birkett
Khloe Birkett
Katie Birkett
Sadie Birkett
Amelie Horn
Olivia Talentire
Ava Stevens
Hattie Tallentire
Valentina Askins
Emily Dickinson
Isla Milburn
Isla Milburn
Paige Simpson
Sadie Soulsby
Parca Bainbridge
Steph Armstrong
Paisley Bainbridge
Emily Leroux
Sophia Rayson
Sophia Rayson
Niamh Walker
Ebony Wilson
Ebony Wilson
Willow Woodhall
Rosie Slack
Bobbi Cope
Lexie Fowles
Jodie Howard-Carter
Alexia Askins
Halle Bird
Annie Stainton
Annie Stainton
Penny Stainton
Cooper Bainbridge
Erin Salkeld
Natalia Mattinson-Glen
Poppy Brockbank
Anna Stafford
Roxy Howard-Carter
Grace Jackson
Amelia Digby
Grace Ousby
Pacy Bainbridge
Alice Fowles
Bella Fowles
Cerys Tyson
Cerys Tyson
Cerys Tyson
Frances Stevens
Freya Simmons
Freya Simmons
Jess Wheatley
Maja Iglikowska
Diasie Kirkbride
Phoebe Jackson
Fleur Cast
Issy Mead
Kushti Brockbank
Lola Nellist
Lola Nellist
Mia Raffel
Mia Raffel
Lily Lancaster
Arabella Jessop
Chloe Pagan
Chloe Pagan
Chloe Pagan
Chloe Pagan
Amy Pickering
Raine Thersby
Indy Thersby
Indy Thersby
Isla Bitcon
Paisley Simps
Sienna Wardle
Amelia Dentice
Lauren Williams
Lauren Williams
Evie Rowe
Amelia Mawson
Amelia Mawson
Amelia Mawson
Amelia Mawson
Ella Platt
Caitlyn Wheatley
Rose Burne
Sarah Salkeld
Natalia Glen
UKCA Admin
Karen Castle
Lucy Monk
Molly Scrivens
Hannah Bennett
Isabel Sanderson
Marcia Bowman
EVC Sapphires - Squads
EVC Sapphires Blue
Jessi Copex
Keeley Howard-Carterx
Amelia Denticex
Indy Thersbyx
Isla Bitconx
Amy Pickeringx
Sienna Wardlex
Rosie Slackx
Alexis Ruddickx
Lola Nellistx
Arabella Jessopx
Amelia Mawsonx
Evie Rowex
Lauren Williamsx
Raine Thersbyx
Chloe Paganx
Alyssia Bensonx
Maja Iglikowskax
Lily Lancasterx
Ella Plattx
Maddison Cromptonx
Caitlyn Wheatleyx
EVC Sapphires Juniors (Orange)
EVC Sapphires Juniors
Jesse Brownx
Alyssia Bensonx
Olivia Stockdalex
Alexis Ruddickx
Martha Tallentirex
Izzy-Anna Tallentirex
Josie Kayex
Maisie Graingerx
Willow Whiteleyx
Summer Sowerbyx
Millie Castlex
Paisley Bainbridgex
Poppy Balmerx
Sienna Cromptonx
Amber Dickinsonx
Sophia Raysonx
Willow Woodhallx
Ebony Wilsonx
Niamh Walkerx
Rosie Slackx
Amelie Murrayx
Katie Birkettx
Olivia Talentirex
Sofia Birkettx
Sadie Soulsbyx
Penny Staintonx
Halle Birdx
EVC Sapphires Teenies
Hattie Tallentirex
Ava Stevensx
Emily Dickinsonx
Hannah Blakex
Amelia Digbyx
Grace Jacksonx
Anna Staffordx
Erin Salkeldx
Cooper Bainbridgex
Poppy Brockbankx
Roxy Howard-Carterx
Grace Ousbyx
Pacy Bainbridgex
Frances Stevensx
Fleur Castx
Issy Meadx
Kushti Brockbankx
Paisley Simpsx
Sarah Salkeldx
Natalia Glenx
EVC Sapphires
Ashley Clarkx
Keeley Howard-Carterx
Bobbi Copex
Jessi Copex
Sophia Monicox
Maddison Cromptonx
Annie Littlex
Wren Binksx
Kacey Makeyx
Libby Blakex
Sophia Stockdalex
Sadie Birkettx
Emily Lerouxx
Jodie Howard-Carterx
Alexia Askinsx
Sophie Hopex
Lexie Fowlesx
Steph Armstrongx
Amy Snelsonx
Chloe Stephensonx
Ciara McCallx
Brook Chambersx
Emma Harrowerx
Khloe Birkettx
Bella Fowlesx
Holly Souterx
Lo Smithx
Scarlett Huntx
Annie Staintonx
Freya Simmonsx
Cerys Tysonx
Phoebe Jacksonx
Maja Iglikowskax
Diasie Kirkbridex
Jess Wheatleyx
Rose Burnex
Delete Cheerleader(s)
Delete Coach(es)
To confirm all of your changes, select "Save All Changes".