UKCA Team Management Tool
Team Management
Drag and drop cheerleaders into the desired teams to manage the members of your squads. (Cheerleaders can be members of more than one squad). To delete a cheerleader from your club, drag and drop them to the Delete Cheerleaders box. To confirm their deletion, click the red button below. Remember to save any changes to your teams before adding more cheerleaders to your club.
Rubi Greaves
Brooke Crotty
Sophie Meyrick
Isla Rothwell-Emery
Milli Greaves
Matilda Mundy
Daisy Whitworth
Amelia Gradwell
Molly Tyrer
Georgia Kay-Rayson
Mia Riley
Laura Freitas
Macey Davies
Sade Ojo
Leia Nisbet
Alariah Barber
Georgia Owen
Olivia Grlick
Amber Taylor
Chloe Anderson
Jade Rigby
Ellie Barlow
Isla Jones
Dakota Sorsby-Fogarty
Elleasia Forbes
Air Athletics Cheer & Dance - Squads
Rubi Greavesx
Brooke Crottyx
Sophie Meyrickx
Milli Greavesx
Amber Taylorx
Chloe Andersonx
Ellie Barlowx
Jade Rigbyx
Macey Daviesx
Sade Ojox
Leia Nisbetx
Alariah Barberx
Olivia Grlickx
Isla Rothwell-Emeryx
Matilda Mundyx
Daisy Whitworthx
Amelia Gradwellx
Molly Tyrerx
Georgia Kay-Raysonx
Mia Rileyx
Laura Freitasx
Dakota Sorsby-Fogartyx
Elleasia Forbesx
Isla Jonesx
Rubi Greavesx
Brooke Crottyx
Sophie Meyrickx
Milli Greavesx
Isla Rothwell-Emeryx
Air Athletics Cheer & Dance
Delete Cheerleader(s)
Delete Coach(es)
To confirm all of your changes, select "Save All Changes".