UKCA Team Management Tool
Team Management
Drag and drop cheerleaders into the desired teams to manage the members of your squads. (Cheerleaders can be members of more than one squad). To delete a cheerleader from your club, drag and drop them to the Delete Cheerleaders box. To confirm their deletion, click the red button below. Remember to save any changes to your teams before adding more cheerleaders to your club.
ailbhe o donavan
Ailise Ballantine
Alannah McCarthy
alma clarke
Amelia Rybiciu
anna callaghan
ava quinn
Beth Woodrow
cailin mannion
cailin mannion
Cara Harnesse
Ceola Vogt
Chloe O Donnal
Clara Barrins
clara reynolds
cliona toner
Danielle McDonnagh
Danielle McDonnagh
Danielle McDonnagh
Danielle McDonnagh
Danielle McDonnagh
Danielle mcDONNAGH
Ealiann Kerrigan
Elina Matvejeva
Ella Ruddy
Ellen McGourty
emma dolan
esme brogan
Eva mc Ardle
georgia o Heir
giada Puddy
jade bonney
Jessica Watters
jessicia watters
Katelyn White
Katlin Smith
Kayleigh Gorevan
Kaylin Rooney
Keely Lindsay
Laetitia Gilligan
Lanna Young
lanna young
laura connolly
Lauren Donaghy
Leah Mullaney
Lwandie Mkwananzi
Maja Pietrzyk
maja pietzytk
Mary Kate Mc Partland
Meadhbh Fitzpatrick
Meadhbh Hallissy
Meave Kelly
Megan McDonagh
Milly Rooney
Mollie Gallagher
Natalia Cybula
Neela Burgess
Niamh Mc Laughlin
Niamh Morris
Rachel Gilmartin
rachel clifford
Rebecca Gilmartin
rebecca o Grady
Roisin McCann
Saoirse McCann
Sarah Louise Armstrong
Sarah Fallon
Shannon Regan
Sheana McNally
sinead kelly
sinead kelly
Siofra Tobin
tara Hallissy
Trinity Kelly
Tristan Probst
victoria Scanlon
georgia o Heir
georgia o Heir
Laurna Bonnet
UKCA Admin
Emily Kelly Silver Star
Silverstar Athletics - Squads
SA Supremes
rebecca o Gradyx
emma dolanx
Eva mc Ardlex
ava quinnx
laura connollyx
alma clarkex
sinead kellyx
lanna youngx
giada Puddyx
jessicia wattersx
georgia o Heirx
victoria Scanlonx
Amelia Rybiciux
maja pietzytkx
esme broganx
cliona tonerx
clara reynoldsx
ailbhe o donavanx
anna callaghanx
rachel cliffordx
Dance Fusion
Trinity Kellyx
Danielle mcDONNAGHx
lucky 5
Elina Matvejevax
Katlin Smithx
Megan McDonaghx
Neela Burgessx
Siofra Tobinx
five star
Tristan Probstx
jade bonneyx
cailin mannionx
Meave Kellyx
Kayleigh Gorevanx
Teal Queens
Chloe O Donnalx
Beth Woodrowx
Mary Kate Mc Partlandx
Mollie Gallagherx
Ealiann Kerriganx
Neela Burgessx
Roisin McCannx
Saoirse McCannx
Milly Rooneyx
Trinity Kellyx
Meadhbh Fitzpatrickx
Sheana McNallyx
Meadhbh Hallissyx
Ceola Vogtx
Niamh Mc Laughlinx
Ailise Ballantinex
Laetitia Gilliganx
Rebecca Gilmartinx
Rachel Gilmartinx
tara Hallissyx
Danielle mcDONNAGHx
Delete Cheerleader(s)
Delete Coach(es)
To confirm all of your changes, select "Save All Changes".