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Manage Club


UKCA Team Management Tool

Team Management

Drag and drop cheerleaders into the desired teams to manage the members of your squads. (Cheerleaders can be members of more than one squad). To delete a cheerleader from your club, drag and drop them to the Delete Cheerleaders box. To confirm their deletion, click the red button below. Remember to save any changes to your teams before adding more cheerleaders to your club.


Brooke Clement Cally John Charlie Isaac Demi Jones Ellie Jones Ellie Jones Emily Crees Gwen Evans Jolie Phillips Kianna Jones Maisie Davies Millie Davies Olivia Thomas Stevie Gill Teagan Woods

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Add A New Cheerleader


Christine Protheroe

Add A New Coach

Rhondda Rockets Cheerleaders - Squads

Rhondda Rockets Sparklers

Christine Protheroex Millie Daviesx Stevie Gillx Cally Johnx Brooke Clementx Maisie Daviesx

Rhondda Rockets Starlight

Christine Protheroex Kianna Jonesx Olivia Thomasx Cally Johnx Stevie Gillx Brooke Clementx Millie Daviesx Ellie Jonesx Jolie Phillipsx Charlie Isaacx Maisie Daviesx Emily Creesx Gwen Evansx Ellie Jonesx

Freestyle solo

Christine Protheroex Teagan Woodsx

Rhondda Rocket Starlight

Christine Protheroex Ellie Jonesx Maisie Daviesx Jolie Phillipsx Kianna Jonesx Demi Jonesx

Rhondda Rockets Sensation

Christine Protheroex Demi Jonesx Ellie Jonesx Charlie Isaacx Emily Creesx Jolie Phillipsx

Rhondda Rockets Starburst

Christine Protheroex Kianna Jonesx Olivia Thomasx Stevie Gillx Cally Johnx Brooke Clementx Millie Daviesx

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