UKCA Team Management Tool
Team Management
Drag and drop cheerleaders into the desired teams to manage the members of your squads. (Cheerleaders can be members of more than one squad). To delete a cheerleader from your club, drag and drop them to the Delete Cheerleaders box. To confirm their deletion, click the red button below. Remember to save any changes to your teams before adding more cheerleaders to your club.
Ellie Gourlay
Lailah- Mai Springer
Penny Bond
Pheobe Hardwick
Scarlett Green
Lauren Watts
Camilla Ellis
Lydia Bracegirdle
Anya Dee
Grace Horan
Freya Dunkerley
Robyn Hare
Alice Grimshaw
Amelia Waites
Ellie Bond
Abbie Garside
Missy Law
Esme' Burdin
Ruby Eastwood
Edie Latcham
Joseph Power
Hannah Gourlay
Libby Kaye
Mollie Fielding
Grace Richards
Ellie Louise Lowe
Lucy Edgar
Holly Blake
Edie Houghton
Alfred Houghton
Frances Short
Sparklers - Squads
Tanzanite Platinum Sparklers
Penny Bondx
Abbie Garsidex
Ellie Gourlayx
Holly Blakex
Ellie Louise Lowex
Anya Deex
Amelia Waitesx
Robyn Harex
Ellie Bondx
Hannah Gourlayx
Pheobe Hardwickx
Crystal Topaz Sparklers
Edie Latchamx
Joseph Powerx
Camilla Ellisx
Edie Houghtonx
Lydia Bracegirdlex
Scarlett Greenx
Frances Shortx
Libby Kayex
Alfred Houghtonx
Alex Shannx
Ruby Eastwoodx
Lauren Wattsx
Crystal Topaz Sparklers
Lauren Wattsx
Ruby Eastwoodx
Edie Latchamx
Alex Shannx
Frances Shortx
Aqua Storm Sparklers
Amelia Waitesx
Esme' Burdinx
Freya Dunkerleyx
Anya Deex
Lailah- Mai Springerx
Pheobe Hardwickx
Grace Richardsx
Holly Blakex
Ellie Louise Lowex
Grace Horanx
Missy Lawx
Alice Grimshawx
Delete Cheerleader(s)
Delete Coach(es)
To confirm all of your changes, select "Save All Changes".