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Manage Club


UKCA Team Management Tool

Team Management

Drag and drop cheerleaders into the desired teams to manage the members of your squads. (Cheerleaders can be members of more than one squad). To delete a cheerleader from your club, drag and drop them to the Delete Cheerleaders box. To confirm their deletion, click the red button below. Remember to save any changes to your teams before adding more cheerleaders to your club.


Barbara Chew Jacob Holloway Jacqueline Holloway Jessica Chew Lucy Chew Rebecca Middlecote Bethan Holloway Emilie Phillips Fuchsia Dalley-Jefferies Olivia Kayongo-Reid Rose Phillips Shannon Compton Sophie Hayward Ruby Beard Mea Edmond Bethan Holloway Autumn Clarke Fleur Chambers Scarlett Samuel Isla Lewis Chloe Cherwood Emily Gouveia Felicity Harvey Isabel Powell Peyton Sulivan Eva Collier Annabelle Staite Daphne Chambers Ariana Gouveia Molly Wheeler Hollie Jones Hollie Jones Elsie Cooper Amelia Breen Skyla Morgan Evie Pillinger Phoebe Kayongo-Reid Kaira-Mai Wade Clark Missi-Rai Watkins Chloe Simpson Ella Pillinger

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Add A New Cheerleader


Barbara Chew Jacqueline Holloway

Add A New Coach

Gloucester Wildcats - Squads

Junior B

Jessica Chewx Rebecca Middlecotex Bethan Hollowayx Fuchsia Dalley-Jefferiesx Olivia Kayongo-Reidx Rose Phillipsx Scarlett Samuelx Isabel Powellx Chloe Simpsonx Missi-Rai Watkinsx Ella Pillingerx

The 5 W’s

The Majestic Wildcats


The Tanyettes

Wildcats Pride


Jessica Chewx Lucy Chewx Rebecca Middlecotex Sophie Haywardx Bethan Hollowayx Scarlett Samuelx Isabel Powellx Missi-Rai Watkinsx Chloe Simpsonx Olivia Kayongo-Reidx Rose Phillipsx Fuchsia Dalley-Jefferiesx Ella Pillingerx

Junior A


Emilie Phillipsx Annabelle Staitex Peyton Sulivanx Eva Collierx Emily Gouveiax Felicity Harveyx Chloe Cherwoodx Isla Lewisx Fleur Chambersx Autumn Clarkex Daphne Chambersx Kaira-Mai Wade Clarkx Hollie Jonesx Elsie Cooperx Skyla Morganx Ariana Gouveiax Phoebe Kayongo-Reidx Evie Pillingerx Amelia Breenx

Level 2

Fleur Chambersx Chloe Cherwoodx Isla Lewisx Emily Gouveiax Annabelle Staitex Peyton Sulivanx Felicity Harveyx Eva Collierx Elsie Cooperx Skyla Morganx Amelia Breenx Kaira-Mai Wade Clarkx Evie Pillingerx

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