UKCA Team Management Tool
Team Management
Drag and drop cheerleaders into the desired teams to manage the members of your squads. (Cheerleaders can be members of more than one squad). To delete a cheerleader from your club, drag and drop them to the Delete Cheerleaders box. To confirm their deletion, click the red button below. Remember to save any changes to your teams before adding more cheerleaders to your club.
Amelia Brick well
Amelia Summers
Annabel Butterfield
Arianne Olusanya
Biance Hoara
Clivina Gyebi
Danaya Plamenova Todorova
Darcy Brown
Davina Ewulomi
Elise Warwick
Emily Georgieva
Emily Summers
Erin Munday
Esme Warwick
Grace Taylor
Holly Laver
Isla Wadman
Ite Egbinola
Jersey-May Beadle
Kacey Hambelton
Laila Stapleton
Lexie Honey-Jones
Lily Coker
Lilya Oakley
Lucy Allen
Mia Mason
Nicole Georgieva
Phobe Cartright
Pollyanna Parker
Ruby Franklin
Samara Amponsah
Scarlett Sinkins
Sophia Stone
Sophie Chapman
Stevie Mason-Dinnen
Ziva Bells
Chafford Diamonds Cheer & Gym - Squads
Chafford Diamonds T Cheer
Jersey-May Beadlex
Erin Mundayx
Mia Masonx
Lily Cokerx
Lucy Allenx
Scarlett Sinkinsx
Emily Georgievax
Amelia Brick wellx
Ziva Bellsx
Amelia Summersx
Holly Laverx
Emily Summersx
Darcy Brownx
Sophie Chapmanx
Chafford Diamonds T Pom
Jersey-May Beadlex
Erin Mundayx
Mia Masonx
Holly Laverx
Lily Cokerx
Scarlett Sinkinsx
Lucy Allenx
Emily Summersx
Amelia Brick wellx
Amelia Summersx
Ziva Bellsx
Emily Georgievax
Pollyanna Parkerx
Nicole Georgievax
Chafford Diamonds JB Pom
Stevie Mason-Dinnenx
Annabel Butterfieldx
Sophia Stonex
Lilya Oakleyx
Lexie Honey-Jonesx
Isla Wadmanx
Phobe Cartrightx
Elise Warwickx
Laila Stapletonx
Kacey Hambeltonx
Chafford Diamonds JB Cheer
Stevie Mason-Dinnenx
Annabel Butterfieldx
Sophia Stonex
Laila Stapletonx
Lilya Oakleyx
Lexie Honey-Jonesx
Isla Wadmanx
Phobe Cartrightx
Elise Warwickx
Arianne Olusanyax
Pollyanna Parkerx
Mia Masonx
Lily Cokerx
Lucy Allenx
Nicole Georgievax
Emily Summersx
Amelia Brick wellx
Delete Cheerleader(s)
Delete Coach(es)
To confirm all of your changes, select "Save All Changes".