Manage Club

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Manage Club


UKCA Team Management Tool

Team Management

Drag and drop cheerleaders into the desired teams to manage the members of your squads. (Cheerleaders can be members of more than one squad). To delete a cheerleader from your club, drag and drop them to the Delete Cheerleaders box. To confirm their deletion, click the red button below. Remember to save any changes to your teams before adding more cheerleaders to your club.


beth mccracken brogan olive ella edwards emma wilkinson Freya swindels-rimmer hollie price libby olive liz kay philipa council rosa brown samantha nike kasignatie sarah ashpital shelby stephenson talisha peach toni lee camilleri victoria mgurk

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Add A New Cheerleader


Sarah Johnson

Add A New Coach

kinetics - Squads


Sarah Johnsonx Sarah Johnsonx philipa councilx toni lee camillerix beth mccrackenx brogan olivex samantha nike kasignatiex hollie pricex libby olivex shelby stephensonx liz kayx victoria mgurkx Freya swindels-rimmerx


Sarah Johnsonx sarah ashpitalx Sarah Johnsonx emma wilkinsonx philipa councilx talisha peachx ella edwardsx beth mccrackenx brogan olivex samantha nike kasignatiex rosa brownx

Create A New Team

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