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Manage Club


UKCA Team Management Tool

Team Management

Drag and drop cheerleaders into the desired teams to manage the members of your squads. (Cheerleaders can be members of more than one squad). To delete a cheerleader from your club, drag and drop them to the Delete Cheerleaders box. To confirm their deletion, click the red button below. Remember to save any changes to your teams before adding more cheerleaders to your club.


Antonia Dafinone Caitlin Rhodes Charlotte Martin Cherice Saunders Danielle Gaskell Emily Tucker Eveliis Muller Hannah Sewell Lauren Alderson Lucy Edwards Lucy Fitzpatrick Rebecca Corcoran Mollie Hannah Molly O'Sullivan Jess Parker Rachel Quinlan Rebekah Russell Sophie Newcomb Yasmin Patel Anna Fletcher Charlotte Gore Megan Oldale Jodie Byrne Rebecca Dennett Chelsea Eddleston Severina Berry Shannon Gardner

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Add A New Cheerleader


Abigail Grimshaw UKCA Admin Charlotte Martin Paige Hadley Victoria Gunn

Add A New Coach

UOC Saints - Squads

UOC Cheerleading

Eveliis Mullerx Sophie Newcombx Lauren Aldersonx Charlotte Martinx Caitlin Rhodesx Chelsea Eddlestonx Hannah Sewellx Rebecca Corcoranx Jess Parkerx Danielle Gaskellx Molly O'Sullivanx Mollie Hannahx Severina Berryx Jodie Byrnex

Level 1 S.G

Charlotte Martinx Caitlin Rhodesx Sophie Newcombx Antonia Dafinonex

Level 3 S.G

Lauren Aldersonx Rebecca Corcoranx Hannah Sewellx Eveliis Mullerx Charlotte Martinx

Level 2 S.G

Sophie Newcombx Molly O'Sullivanx Charlotte Martinx


Antonia Dafinonex Danielle Gaskellx Emily Tuckerx Eveliis Mullerx Hannah Sewellx Lauren Aldersonx Rachel Quinlanx Sophie Newcombx Yasmin Patelx Megan Oldalex

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