UKCA Team Management Tool
Team Management
Drag and drop cheerleaders into the desired teams to manage the members of your squads. (Cheerleaders can be members of more than one squad). To delete a cheerleader from your club, drag and drop them to the Delete Cheerleaders box. To confirm their deletion, click the red button below. Remember to save any changes to your teams before adding more cheerleaders to your club.
Aamina Stenhouse
Abbie Jarvis
Alex Pinnock
Alisha Dunning
Amie Kavanagh
Amy Lawson
Becky Holcroft
Bethany Wright
Carla Burton
Destiny Fryer
Ellie Taylor
Eve Sogbertun
Grace Whitfield
Halle Driscoll
Helen Isherwood
Jade Rogers
Jennifer Dixon
Jessica Palmer
Kayleigh Evans
Kelle Rowe
Lacey Jarvis
Lauren Wilson
Lexi Hughes
Lexi McAllister
Libby Birchall
Lynn Griffiths
Megan Cragg
Millie Brookes
Molly Hilton
Molly Carey
Molly Carey
Natalie Lawson
Natasha Ryder Dennis
Neve Service
Niia Dixon-Cade
Rachel Dublique-Newton
Ruby Partington
Sienna Swain
Sophie Dixon
Stephanie Aspinall
Sue Parr
Tiffany Jones
Vienna Dubique-Dickens
Ava Davies
Hannah Grime
Rebecca Leeks
Bethany Lynn
Caitlin McMahon
Madison Haliwell
Charlie Roberts
Bella Robinson
Maya Morar
Kacy McDonnell
Helen Hampson
Leah Gearing
Jessica Lott
Pheobe Gannon
Kirsty Aspinall
Keavy Driscoll
Ellie Mullaney
Lilly Whitfield
Hannah Gosling
Natalie Green
Heidi Braddish
IndepenDANCE - Squads
IndepenDANCE Junior A
Jenny Gittinsx
Neve Servicex
Ellie Taylorx
Libby Birchallx
Tiffany Jonesx
Halle Driscollx
Lexi McAllisterx
Leah Gearingx
Grace Whitfieldx
Kacy McDonnellx
Ruby Partingtonx
IndepenDANCE Tiny Teenies
Jenny Gittinsx
Sienna Swainx
Vienna Dubique-Dickensx
Lyla x
Niia Dixon-Cadex
Lexi Hughesx
Lacey Jarvisx
Lilly Whitfieldx
Heidi Braddishx
Ava Daviesx
Madison Haliwellx
Pheobe Gannonx
Maya Morarx
IndepenDANCE Peeps
Jenny Gittinsx
Neve Servicex
Ellie Taylorx
Libby Birchallx
Tiffany Jonesx
Halle Driscollx
Lexi McAllisterx
Kacy McDonnellx
Leah Gearingx
Grace Whitfieldx
Ellie Mullaneyx
IndepenDANCE Crew
Jenny Gittinsx
Molly Careyx
Natasha Ryder Dennisx
Carla Burtonx
Jessica Palmerx
Bethany Wrightx
Lauren Wilsonx
Jade Rogersx
Abbie Jarvisx
Charlie Robertsx
Jessica Lottx
IndepenDANCE Unit
Jenny Gittinsx
Keavy Driscollx
Alisha Dunningx
Amie Kavanaghx
Molly Hiltonx
Aamina Stenhousex
Megan Craggx
Destiny Fryerx
Eve Sogbertunx
Sophie Dixonx
Hannah Grimex
Hannah Goslingx
IndepenDANCE Diddies
Jenny Gittinsx
Sienna Swainx
Vienna Dubique-Dickensx
Kayleigh Evansx
Lexi Hughesx
Bella Robinsonx
Heidi Braddishx
Ava Daviesx
Lilly Whitfieldx
IndepenDANCE Masters
Jenny Gittinsx
Rebecca Leeksx
Jenny Gittinsx
Natalie Lawsonx
Jade Rogersx
Alex Pinnockx
Kelle Rowex
Sue Parrx
Helen Isherwoodx
Rachel Dublique-Newtonx
Stephanie Aspinallx
Becky Holcroftx
Amy Lawsonx
Lynn Griffithsx
Abbie Jarvisx
Jennifer Dixonx
Kirsty Aspinallx
Caitlin McMahonx
Natalie Greenx
Bethany Lynnx
Helen Hampsonx
Delete Cheerleader(s)
Delete Coach(es)
To confirm all of your changes, select "Save All Changes".