UKCA Team Management Tool
Team Management
Drag and drop cheerleaders into the desired teams to manage the members of your squads. (Cheerleaders can be members of more than one squad). To delete a cheerleader from your club, drag and drop them to the Delete Cheerleaders box. To confirm their deletion, click the red button below. Remember to save any changes to your teams before adding more cheerleaders to your club.
Adison Austin
Anna Mitchell
Anna Hughes
Corinna Towler
Emma Redfern
Halle Partridge
Isabel Mitchell
Isabelle Andrews
Jennifer Bull
Jessica Robinson
Kaira Rhymes
Katherine Edinburgh
Lily-Beth Ward
Sofia Galasso
Sophie Hilliard
Verity Bashford
Zoe Smither
UKCA Admin
Verity Bashford
Corinna Towler
Jessica Kennedy
Jordan Kennedy
Laurel Kennedy
Flitecrew Infinity - Squads
Flitecrew Intensity
Jordan Kennedyx
Jessica Kennedyx
Anna Hughesx
Adison Austinx
Corinna Towlerx
Flitecrew Force
Jessica Kennedyx
Jordan Kennedyx
Jennifer Bullx
Corinna Towlerx
Adison Austinx
Flitecrew Galaxy
Isabelle Andrewsx
Sophie Hilliardx
Katherine Edinburghx
Anna Hughesx
Zoe Smitherx
Flitecrew Sparkles
Flitecrew Twinkles
Flitecrew Starlights
Halle Partridgex
Anna Mitchellx
Sofia Galassox
Kaira Rhymesx
Lily-Beth Wardx
Jessica Robinsonx
Isabel Mitchellx
Flitecrew Shooting Stars
Flitecrew Infinity
Jordan Kennedyx
Jessica Kennedyx
Verity Bashfordx
Corinna Towlerx
Isabelle Andrewsx
Adison Austinx
Jennifer Bullx
Katherine Edinburghx
Sophie Hilliardx
Anna Hughesx
Zoe Smitherx
Emma Redfernx
Delete Cheerleader(s)
Delete Coach(es)
To confirm all of your changes, select "Save All Changes".