Do you have the correct insurance?

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Do you have the correct insurance?

After the recent easing of COVID-19 lockdown measures by the UK Government, many clubs and coaches will be thinking about welcoming Cheer athletes back to training sessions. If coaches are planning to begin sessions in the near future it is imperative that they follow the strict guidance laid out by the government to ensure the safety of themselves and their participants.


In addition to adhering to the government guidelines on returning to sport, coaches should also make sure they have the correct insurance policies in place to protect themselves and their club should a participant get injured during one of their sessions.

Why do I need insurance?

Cheerleaders, along with gymnasts, have one of the highest injury rates of any athlete. Muscle tears, whiplash and neck injuries are common, which is why it’s essential to have a specialist insurance policy in place to protect you if an accident happens. In addition to athletes, Cheerleading coaches who advise and guide the team on a regular basis should seek a policy that covers all Cheerleading disciplines including acrobatics. If someone injures themselves following your advice or instruction and decides to take legal action, it could set you back thousands.

In such a high-flying, twisting and turning world, Cheerleading insurance is a must have for everyone who wants to maximise their enjoyment of the sport.

UKCA partner, Insure4Sport, offer 10% off their insurance cover for UKCA Members.

Take advantage of Insure4Sport‘s 10% discount for UKCA Members:

Following the government’s guidelines and ensuring you have the necessary insurance in place means we can gradually and safely return to the sport we love!

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