June Newsletter

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June Newsletter

Good Luck!

To all teams competing at the European Championships next weekend.

Diamond Ice
Fever Elite
Hartlepool Hawks
Hunters Cheerleading
Kobika Starlites
Next Level Dance
Scorpion Stingers
Sparklers Elite
The Clarets
Titanium Allstars

Check out this video from Sparklers Elite as they get ready to jet off to Slovenia.

Schools Championship Summary

We are so proud of all the competitors that took part in the 2016 Schools National Championships earlier this month, to read more check out our blog here:

Stand Up to Bullying

Next Tuesday sees the launch of a national anti bullying campaign ‘Stand up to bullying‘.


As an organisation that actively promotes team work and mutual respect, UKCA will dedicate next Tuesday to this project and would like your Cheerleaders involved

Your team can be part of this national campaign launch………

We’d like teams to record a short clip of your Cheerleaders literally ‘standing up’ to bullying please in any way you think appropriate?

I’m sure you will come up with creative choreography whilst putting across this strong message.

Feel free cheer, chant, rap, use poms, sign boards and add a visual effect including a stunt or two if you desire. A visible UKCA sign board or logo would really be appreciated.

Just share the clip on social media and tag it with #StandUpToBullying & #ukca before Monday at 6pm and we will share on social media throughout Tuesday.

Thank you in anticipation of your support.

Upcoming Courses In Scotland

Cheerleading Basic Skills @ Oldmeldrum
Cheerleading Basic Stunts @Oldmeldrum

Please check out our other courses happening all over the country.

Team UKCA.

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Competition Highlights