If you haven’t yet attended a UKCA course, you may wonder how it works. Karen Graham got in touch with a report about a recent coaching course held in Belfast. Have a read…
“A further 15 coaches gained their UKCA coach education certification in Belfast on the 6th & 7th April and an enjoyable and spirited weekend was had by all.
UKCA Tutors Karen Graham & Kimberley Clark delivered the syllabus over the weekend to a most enthusiastic and motivated group of adults. Candidates aged between 18-40 yrs attended both Basic Cheerleading Skills and Basic Stunts courses.”

“The Home Country also made history by having their first male coach attend UKCA courses and successfully earn his qualifications.
Gary came with an open mind and got fully involved in all aspects of the syllabus and as a multi-skills coach, he commented on how technical and dynamic our sport of smiles was.
Quote “It looks easy until you try it, there is lots to think about and a lot of co-ordination needed”
What a role model Gary was, come on men – your sport needs you!”

The following courses are being delivered in Belfast during May 2013 – BOOK your place now!
Street Cheer Basic Skills
Basic Tumbling
This course will cover all static and travelling tumbling skills – back and forward rotations from basic roll to walk over.
For our full course listings click here.
‘Brilliant weekend’
Natalie – Belfast
‘Brilliant Stunt course – wish it could have been longer!’
Debbie – Belfast
‘Fantastic Stunt course in Belfast today!!! Karen & Kim the Tutors were amazing!’
Kirsty – Newtownabbey
‘Some workout! really enjoyed it’
Gary – Belfast
So there you have it, new skills and experience gained by all who attended and a fantastic day packed full of fun.
If you have attended one of our courses and would like to share your experience with a write up and pictures, please feel free to get in touch! We’d love to hear about your experience. Contact us at marketing@ukca.org.uk