“We are proud of you, say we are proud of you!”
…rings out across the Gym as Hannah performs her first scorpion! Massive group hugs and well dones are an everyday occurrence in Offerton Cheer Squad, a team of twenty three girls from Years Seven to Eleven at Offerton School, Stockport.
Cheerleading is amazing, it helps us to build our confidence and challenges people’s perceptions of us. When some people hear what we do they brand us with being blonde, thick and obsessed with spelling: “Give us an A….?!” It’s great when we perform at school as it gives us the opportunity to show just what we are – a group of talented athletes and Gymnasts with self-confidence, commitment and most importantly – enthusiasm!
We train for at least three hours a week; working on improving our jumps, dance routines and stunts. We also help coach the younger members of our team as well as spending an hour a week after school coaching girls and boys from Years Three to Six at Fairway Primary Cheerleading.
Over the last three years we have become an increasingly successful team. We came fourth place in our first ever National Schools Championships, 2nd in Pom Dance and 3rd in Stunts the following year and last year were crowned Key Stage Four National Champions with our stunt routine. Even more amazing when you realise that only three members of our team were in Year Ten and the remaining seventeen of us were in Years Seven and Eight!
Although we are incredibly proud of our achievements they are just a bonus in many ways as we would still cheer without them.
Being part of our squad has given us so much. It’s great fun to spend time together, we all support each other and challenge each other to try new things; it has given us the self-confidence to believe that we can perform – even if we are nervous, our cheer faces show that we are having fun. We’ve developed so many leadership and communication skills that we have run Borough Cheerleading and Gymnastics Competitions in Stockport and even ran the Manchester County Primary Cheerleading Competition in May this year!
Our squad is very disciplined and encourages us to stay focused and respect each other as you have to be committed to all aspects of school and training to be part of the team. We believe that we are great ambassadors both in and for our school as we always try our best, support each other and have pride in our team and our school.
Cheerleading has given us the opportunity to make incredible and long lasting friendships, made us stronger both physically and mentally, and above all, no matter what we do or where we go from here; to each other, we will always be Champions!!!
Offerton Cheer Squad 2010