Team UK 2010

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Team UK 2010

Before the Street Nationals last October, we announced that we would send a team from the National Crew division to represent the UK at the Cheerleading World Championships in Orlando this April.

That was subject to ICU approving our application and a team reaching a high enough standard to compete at the highest level.

It was quickly obvious that teams were certainly good enough. All we had to do was decide which routine would best fit in ICU’s Hip Hop category…and hope ICU gave us a sought after place. The news finally came that we had a place not only in ICU but IASF as well. ICU is for countries, IASF for the best clubs in the world.

Congratulations to IndepenDANCE!
The news was delivered to coach Jenny Gittins on the day their junior team appeared on Blue Peter as a result of their efforts at our Nationals. Quite a day for them, & I’m sure you will all join me in wishing them well in Orlando. Keep looking in to see reports of their progress here and at the UKCA website. We will also be telling you of how you can be there in 2011!

The full Team UK line up is:
• Senior All Female Cheer: National Champions Rising Stars earned their place to represent UK for the second year running. Lets hope they can build on their success from last year’s double bronze.
• Senior Cheer Dance: Again, we see this category represented by our National Champions and experienced international campaigners – Red Hot Flames. Let’s hope they can turn up the heat again in this year’s competition.
• Senior All female Group Stunt: A new category for us this year, but we are sure our National Champions STCA will not let us down.
• Hip Hop: After reviewing performances at our Street Cheer Nationals, we have invited IndepenDance to represent the UK in this category.

John Stone
TeamUK Manager

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