An Update from Vicky Howarth!

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An Update from Vicky Howarth!

It’s great to keep up with what’s going on in the world of our coaches, cheerleaders and volunteers. Especially, when we have been following a campaign such as Vicky’s suited to help and encourage the dreams of our members. You will remember that we have been following the story and success of Vicky Howarth throughout the year and the whole of 2014. She has been working, training and practicing hard to progress her equestrian career.


Vicky has struggled with her sight for many years and is now officially registered as blind. However, this does not stop her in everyday life or in the hobbies which she is regularly involved in. We have been campaigning alongside Vicky to help raise money to send her and her horse to represent Great Britain in the Olympic Games in Rio 2016 – which we all can’t wait for! now we are happy to announce that we have had an update from Vicky herself…

As well as her many talents which she shares Vicky gives a large contribution to society, The UKCA and many young people via her volunteer work. The passion and energy which she puts into her work is incredible. She has also given up so many of her weekends to volunteer at our Cheerleading competitions, which run throughout the year. however, more recently she has continued to compete at the Supreme Showdown winning 3 Championships in the disability classes and also in the able bodied classes.


As you can certainly guess due to her working commitments, Vicky has been incredibly busy. But she has great news to inform us with, she has recently been involved in a television documentary! A film crew travelled from Cornwall University to film Vicky and her horse Duster, for 3 days straight. Her compelling story is an inspiration to us all. When the recorded piece is finished and edited it will be entered into the Sheffield Film Festival you can find a link to the festival website here to find out more about the event.

We can’t wait to see the finished film!

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