This week our very own Vicky Howarth has been featured in the Manchester Evening News!
As you all know we have been following the personal journey of Vicky Howarth, and now so is The Manchester Evening News here.
Vicky Howarth is training to compete for Great Britain in the Rio De Janeiro Olympics in 2016. She works within the UKCA as a coach, and continually participates in all of our events including volunteering at our competitions. Read more about Vicky’s progress and what she has managed to achieve so far on the News section of our website here. By clicking the ‘older posts’ button at the bottom of an existing post you are able to look through the archives of our news, to see what else we have had to say about Vicky over the past fews months as we followed her experiences.
She has had various problems with her horses when preparing for try outs, and there have been struggles along the way but Vicky has prevailed. You can donate towards Vicky’s project here.
We have been supporting Vicky throughout this process and followed her journey closely and carefully. At The UKCA we believe it is important to support our members on their endeavours, whether they are related to The UKCA or not. However, following Victoria on her journey has been particularly special for us as she is an inspiring lady. Vicky continues to show the world that disabilities do not hinder what a person can achieve with their life.
So good luck Vicky, we can’t wait to see more from you in the future. All our support from The UKCA.
After all, cheerleading is the sport of smiles!